

Post # ....oh, shoot, I don't know

Most of us have seen this picture, but I figure since Tim is looking for new posts and Eric has abandoned us, it's a great time to put this up there for comment. As Joe said on the original site, "Prom night, 1978: I've never seen Eric or Dave happier, though Dave was disappointed Eric didn't spring for the tux and the limo."

This wasn't really Prom Night though. What was it, Senior Awards night, or something like that.
I actually had a dream last night that Eric was running for office and I had to delete this post.
You are mistaken, Nell. It was definitely the senior prom. Eric's date for Senior Awards Night was Mr. Harmon, the chemistry teacher. DRT and Dan Harmon rarely spoke because of that incident.
Mr. Harmon. Oh my God.
It's funny, except for DT and Barb Kabala -the art teacher, I have almost no memories of any other teacher. Oh, except Mr. Piscini. yeah, I remember him all right.

I know I had lots of classes in High School and therefore lots of teachers. I just don't remember anything about it.

Oh wait, I just remembered getting tossed out of Ms. Deitrich's Spanish class. shoot. Were any of you in any of my classes?
Ian: Mr. Henry. Was it Probability and Statistics? 5 minutes of lecture and then... "it's just that simple!"...we could spend the rest of the period doing our "homework." I had blocked all of this out, but then you had to ask, and it came to mind.
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The class rings a bell, if not the teacher. No, I know I took the class. If I remember, it was pretty easy, but maybe (just maybe) I use stuff from that class to this day.

It was the last math class I ever took - I CLEPed out of math in College. Do they still have CLEP tests?

Jeff, I feel like we knew each other sorta well before I jumped into Tabishland. Is that true? I knew Hansmann before that- from my ill-fated stint with IHS Swim Team. They gave me a varsity letter for making some people laugh on the bus. Although, now that I think about it, Eric and Stuart Reitz were the only ones who would sit next to me.

Hansmann did a show before I even imagined acting. Sound of Music, right e-mann?

It does occur to me that folks like Rob MacFarland, Donna Cronk, John Thompson, Francis and a lot of other folks acted more often in larger roles than I ever did.

I sat next to Jeff Davis in Art Class when I was a sophmore and he was a senior. He seemed awfully shy- and I was pretty damn shy at the time too.

Why do I think I was in Accapella Choir with everyone? I wasn't, right? I think I was only in choir my senior year. I guess? I think.

I've known Patty Freda since sixth grade and I feel like I must have been in classes with her- but what classes?

I can't remember.

It's the booze, isn't it?

I had Mr. Henry's Advanced Math class and it was just as you described Jeff. A simple lesson with lots of time for us to do the homwork while Mr. Henry read Army books. Steve Earley sat near me. It really was an easy class but that always seemed wrong-Adv. Math was a subject that should have been difficult.
I'm trying really hard to remember my classes. It isn't easy - Sendracs just pushes everything out of your head. Weirdly, I most remember 9th grade biology and my lab partners, Tom Mathe and Jake Creps. We had a blast. Senior high I remember A Capella but I don't remember who else was in it. Now science - oh, wait, I think Eric Jenkins and I were lab partners. I'd ask him but I can't find him.

I remember Buzz Grove for Aeronautics Aerospace. He LOVED to teach that course. But then, senior year, he got grumpy.
I remember Boys Chorus from my senior year- it was a funny hybrid of kids from A Capella and other kids who wished they were in A Cappella, but couldn't make the cut (!)

I kinda think we had a lot of fun-in a weird sort of way. We sang barber shop arranged for 16 or so.

I run a Shakespeare company and have spent a portion of my life as a professional writer, but I don't remember a single moment of an English class.

Tab was just more fun and better.
I remember AP English. Tim, how about you? I loved that class. It was a lot of work but very (oh no, here's that word) rewarding, and fun besides.

Eric sat by me in POD. He put his droll wit to good use in that class.

A Capella was fun because pretty much everyone was in it and it was 5th period so we could all eat lunch together.
To answer Ian, I was in Sound of Music and My Fair Lady before senior year. Then I was in three shows and did tech for a fourth.

I was also in a production of A Christmas Carol in 5th grade. I actually had a line! (gasp) Plus I was the curtain puller, which was considered pretty cool in 5th grade.

In fact, another Tabishland inhabitant was also in this show at Ben Franklin Elementary. He even had a lead role.

I know a few of yunz did some junior high stage work. Anyone else hit the stage earlier?
I recall a few high school classes. I remember some biology from Bob Traugh, science fiction with Sue Amendt, some sort of social studies class with Mr Duffy, a couple of mechanical drawing and electrical shop classes - but I can't recall the teacher name, and a senior year social studies class with Mr. George. I recall walking out of this class when he was beginning a section on the Greeks and Romans. I asked if we could learn about American history since World War Two and he was not prepared for a question challenging the curriculum. As far as he was concerned, we weren't going to ever discuss the Korean or Vietnam wars. It got a bit more heated and I ended up spending some time with Mr. Magee. I also recall endless filmstrips in this class.
Uh, Ian, think you spent some time with Mr. McGEE (not Magee). Nevertheless, my dad got a lot of calls back in the day from parents with questions about their high school kids. Sorry, wrong number.

The spelling issue has dogged me from that day to this: from the time when I was about 9 or 10 and a woman at check-out desk of the public library insisted that I didn't know how to spell my last name, to today, when I have to give my name over the phone, and automatically say, "Jeff Magee M-A-G-E-E" as if the spelling is part of the name.

"EYE-uhn": I'm sure you've faced the same issues with your FIRST name!
Oops-that last comment was for ERIC, not Ian. Why did I think that one was from Ian?? Could it be that old-age thing we've been discussing?
Jeff, I feel your pain,
"Kim Andersen, S-E-N."
Jeff...that is E-R-I-C, not E-R-I-K, nor is it E-R-I-C-K.

On occassion it has been E-R-K, and I do answer to E every now and then.

Sorry about that Mr. M-A-G-E-E.
(insert mock-laughter gesture here...)
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