


Def: Posting entries, while in a giddy frame of mind, that on self-reflection and dissection the next day seem truly mindless and idiotic. Perhaps driven by a feeling of "graphophilia" in which one solipsistically believes that everything one commits to print is oh-so-clever.

But we are within 21 of #300...

Should I include this in the Blogtionary?

Could post-remostem be fallout from a sleep deprived night of slice and dice?
Blaitant post bloker:
Yield not to post-remorstem.
Blogziety, die!
Oh, for heaven's sake. It's ALL amusing to us, and it's certainly more entertaining than anything else we're supposed to be doing at our computers. Do not suffer from this illness!
My verifard so complex
it too is haiku.
Nothing to say, but can't resist:
Verification = grogg.
Time for Weiner to put down the mug and blait someone.
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