

Rock Bands and Teens

Probably many of you know about The Clarks, the rock band from IUP. A couple of days ago I brought home one of their CDs and laid it on the computer desk to transfer to my MP3. Emily saw it and asked what I was doing with it. When I told her, she looked at me in disbelief, saying "But Mom, I like them! Do you know they started at IUP?" Oh yes, Old Mom likes something the kid likes! And they're performing at the Indiana Theatre Nov. 2 and 3 so I think Emily and I will be attending a rock concert together!

You know, Chip's band opened up for the Clarks a few times back in the 80's. I think he knew them pretty well. Chip- you lurking out there?

As I write this, I'm listening to the Carter Family- which my daughter (if I'm lucky) will never think is hip.
My kids love 70's music, sometimes to my Metallica-brain-dead dismay. Mostly, though, it's the good stuff - from the better Led Zeppelin to the better pop. You walk into any high school today and most of the kids will be wearing t-shirts with the band names that WE wore. Lots of long hair on guys, too (my sons, for instance).
One of my favorite ways to get under my 16 year-old step-sons skin is to correctly guess the song eminating from his computer when I walk in the door. His mouth just drops to the floor each time. Here's a sample...

Me: "Hey Ed! So do you like Hot Hot Heat?"

Ed: "Whaaat? How do you know who this is?"

ME: "Well, the CD is sitting right here in the shelf. I bought it used a year ago."

I pick the CD off the shelf an place it on the desk in front of him.

Ed: "Ohh....Thanks."

This has happened many times. In stead of Hot Hot Heat, just insert a different band name, such as Franz Ferdinand, Devo, Wolfmother, Motorhead, the Hives, the Clash, Modest Mouse, Peter Tosh, Wilco, Interpol...

Family fun for all to play!
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