

Sendracians in Meadville

After graduating from Indiana Area Senior High School, I got out of dodge for my college years. On occasion, some of the high school buds would come up for a weekend visit. Ian, Chip, Joe, Scott and Dave Putt all made a trip or two. Recently I found some photos from one of those weekends. These date from my senior year, 82-83, at Allegheny College in Meadville, PA. The image above is on the porch of the house where I lived. You can easily pick out Ian, Chip, Joe, Scott, and myself. The other characters are campus buddies of mine, Ed and Bill are in standing in the middle, while Tim is in front of me and Mike is in the lower right corner. The image was taken at the very beginning of the Gin & Tonic Frisbee Golf Open in the spring of ‘83. This was an informal affair held on the college campus.

There is also a post-script to this image. My step-son is now in his junior year at Allegheny. My wife and I went to help him settle into his new apartment over Labor Day weekend. We found he is living in this same house, and has the exact same room I had. The place has a newer coat of paint, but still has that ‘college hovel’ vibe to it.

Image two may have been later in the evening. There was some sort of air band contest that night and we slapped together an inspired performance of “I Fought the Law”, by the Clash. We came in second place that night, losing to a bunch of frat boys rolling through Pat Benatar’s “Hit Me With your Best Shot”. The lead singer was a football player in drag, so that ranked high on the entertainment scale. We had fun anyway.

Ian, Chip, Joe, Scott….so yunz have any other recollections about those visits? I still have recordings of some of the radio station ID’s and PSA’s that we cut in the production studio on one of those visits. They are still classic. I need to convert those to MP3 files and share.

The frisbee picture is my favorite college picture ever- except (or maybe because) it's not taken at my college.

I loved those trips to Meadburg, they were a lot of fun. We basically acted obnoxious and Eric let us play at his radio station.

I remember those PSA's well-

"Hello, I'm Charlie Stambaugh and I work with dirt, whenever I'm in Meaville, I listen to WARC-FM, 90.3"


"he, he, he. WARC-FM Meadville, 90.3FM ...was I funny?"


"Hello I'm a butcher. Whether I be cutting pork or beef, I be listening to WARC-FM Meadville."

They were real, although I'm not sure anyone else besides Eric ever played them on the air.
What fine looking young men.

Ian, you're holding that frisbee like a shield. You gotta love that.

And in the Air Band - is that JoePino on the left? What's with his face?
This is great. The second photo makes me think of the road not taken: Ian as rock star.
Ian you were really whaling!

You guys look great! It must have been a ball.
I mostly like our haircuts. Plus, anyone notice the bandana on my right arm? Wow, I guess I really wanted to be in Loverboy. Yeah, that's Pino Stage Right in front of Dr. Scott Brown.

If I remember correctly (Joe, Eric, Chip, Scott? , we went on, like first because no one else wanted to do it- I don't remember there being many people there.
I gotta tell you all - this stuff is killing my academic career. A colleague informed me yesterday that "he has enough pictures for the cover of every faculty meeting agenda this year thanks to that blog."


About ten years ago I dubbed all the Meadville stuff + the Comedy Police stuff off reel-to-reel onto digital tapes. I guess one of these days should put it into glorious 24-bit DVD-a....
Why is Pino playing bass upfront? Only bass players that sing get to be upfront. Like Lemmy from Motorhead. No wonder you guys came in second.
MY question - still unanswered - is, why is Joe's face all white? You have a lot to answer for, man.
Maybe Joe had the high score at the Gin & Tonic Open ?!
I think Joe was just concentrating real hard.
Tabishland; the Comic Episode 14
I had just come from a big mime gig and didn't have time to take off my makeup.

I recall we were initially the ONLY people who went up on stage. After our performance, suddenly everyone wanted to enter.

I don't remember having boards - that sort of prop is usually not part of the traditional air guitar competition.

Tim, you best not be dissing Lemmy or I'll have Dr. Scott kick your butt.
I am sensing that there is here a collective semi-autobiographical novel destined for the New York Times best sellers list.

In any case, until Anne K-M set me straight, I didn't have any idea that Sendracians kept any ties with each other after the final curtain call. If anyone had the time to write, I'd love to hear more about post-HS shenanigans.
Liza, There were MANY post-high school shenanigans. I have additional images to post. They offer evidence of a devolving Frisbee Golf Open. Joe's collegue will have much more faculty agenda meeting fodder.

A few things about these images.

Ian is showing off his Spiderman frisbee.

I think we went with the props because they were handy.

The radio productions we did were wildly popular and used into 1984, after I graduated. I recall we were going into the cafeteria for dinner one Saturday after we had done several of these radio spots. The college radio station was actually being played in the dining hall (a rarity) and one of the spots came on. The noise level dropped noticably for the length of the spot and there were outbursts of laughter around the dining hall. I think Ian may have commented, "Well, that was weird."

Several of these radio spots riffed on Anthony Newly for some reason. Ian, do you recall why?
Might as well put it up here. You didn't save it for all those years so it could live in a box in some attic.

Seeing it in public can only destroy promising academic careers.
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