

23 until the tricentennial

Back to work. On call. Can someone else take over the mindless posting for awhile? 22 more, but save #300 for MISTER Tabish.

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yeah, I'm on call too....just in case someone needs....um, someone to ...ah, direct a play real bad.

Oh wait, I'm not on call at all.


that's what I meant- stat.

Hear that M*therf***ers- stat, ya'll.
Gallanar, the Guthrie Theater is sending its chopper. They have a bad case of mime up there and need some emergency blocking.
I'm gonna to go get my stat on, homes.

S to the T to the A-T.

I'm on call, too.

People needing help with their homework, invoices sent, an alto voice, emergency food, or motherly advice.


Oh, wait, I mean CHAT!
Okay. I'm on CHAT too, prn. Add taxi service to that list. And laundress. But not housekeeper.
Having just completed a four day Tour of Cleveland, I am not on call. I did visit over a dozen high schools in the last three days.

It's amazing the crazy looks people give you when you step into a high school and yell, "HELLO CLEVELAND!!!"

Veriford::: otikooc
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