

Now here's a serious blog

Having gotten interested in the sociology of blogging, I've been poking around the internet tonight. Some have described this phenomenon as a "playground for the opinion-elites". Many are waiting to see what influence the blogosphere has on the Conn. Senate election. But the most fascinating thing I found was this site. Not being a comic fan, it's stunning how detailed and intense this thing is. Puts the Star Trek and Tull stuff to shame.
(The link, of course, is in the title.)

I love it. I think the whole thing is fascinating. Maybe I'm sentimental, but it's just a whole new world. There's been a sociological trend towards isolation, esp. in the last hundred years, and now it's all reversing itself, only in an entirely new way. We no longer have families living together, but we're conversing with strangers at midnight without ever meeting. I think that's great. My family drives me nuts anyway.
Your family drives me nuts too, truth be told.
All right, let's all 'fess up. Haven't we all poked around and found some favorite blogs other than our own?
Nice. With another call night over, I plan to head out to the wilds of Siler City, get on a tractor (perfect antidote for the male midllfe crisis) and not talk to anyone all day. Except the dogs. And then only in an infantile way.

And probably no blogging either.

(btw, the gal that started wonkette.com just became DC editor for Time, Inc. for a big slalary. Throw that at our skeptic friends.)
Nell. I have NEVER been to another blogged. Never even looked. I would never do that to this blog. I'm not that kind of girl!!
And they called ME Pureheart!
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