

The Tim/Gracie Plot

Has anyone noticed how Tim is suddenly absent a lot from the Blog and Gracie is suddenly around alot? Is Tim Gracie? Is Grace Timmie? What are they up to? Has anyone seen them in the same place at the same time?

And neither have posted pictures of themselves!
And I know that Gracie has a lifelong interest in trapping, bottle collecting and fly fishing.
And I'm pretty certain that Tim enjoys the Farm Aid headliners. Plus, he lives on a farm...
To be or not to be. --WS
To do is to be. --Nietzsche
Do be do be do. --Frank S
Git-r-dun --Larry, the cable guy
F*ing Jews --Mel
I got over it years ago, when the scrub nurse I was operating with-- and adult colleague, right?-- told me her mom grew up near Pittsburgh. Turns out HER MOM was in your class in HS...
Plus, the parents like their kid's doctor to have gray hair.

Hope using the MG quote didn't bother anyone too much, just trying to be non-sequitur but topical.
MG is having a little difficulty right now anyway.
Speaking of MG (who, despite his crazy political beliefs and overall meanspiritness was a great Hamlet in the Zeffirelli movie), who knows anything about this rumor I remember about Indiana County in the 70's & 80's? That Clymer or Homer City was a huge center for a white supremisist organization or were they survivalists? Anyone know anything ablut that (except Gracie or Tim whom I no longer trust)
Never heard about any racist groups in the area. But Indiana was a stop (or near a stop) on the Underground Railroad in the Civil War I've been told. The house my parents live in was built for the first African American family to live in Indiana - a doctor who was connected to helping people get North. That's what we were told by an elderly neighbor when we moved into the neigborhood anyway.

When we gutted the inside of the house we found a bunch of post cards from the turn of the century inviting the good Dr. to join the NAACP. So it's possible.
Yes, I think the Underground Railroad stop was somewhere uptown near the Old Courthouse, or in homes around there. The Historical Society does have this documented. That's so cool about your house Joe.
I can tell you this...and this is true....on September 11th, someone I know in Indiana claimed that the plane that went down in Somerset, PA, was headed for the Homer City Power Plant. Seems THAT was the big terrorist target, not the White House. Which, of course, makes sense.

It's the sense of self-importance I love.
Yes Kim that is exactly the talk that went around that day. When I heard it I remember looking at the person and thinking they were absolutely out of their mind!
My wife's parents live in Charlotte, NC. For several years after 9/11, the Charlotte observer would routinely run stories about all the high priority targets in Charlotte or run angry editorials from readers incensed about the paper revealing such important information to the terrorists.

Like al-Quida had the faintest interest in southern North Carolina or maybe they collected old copies of the Charlotte Observer to help them in their fiendish master-plans.

Fear sells (oh how I could rant about that)
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