

Mr. Weiner Rides Again

I thought we could take advantage of Tim being out of town by endlessly giving him a hard time in his absense. You all remember the famous picture of Tim in Junior High Trapping Club - which he claimed he joined as an attempt to fit it - well, Ian, Nell, Ginger, and I found this lovely photo in another Junior High Yearbook. Yes, Fly Tying Club. Captions, anyone?

No one's rising to the occasion, so I'll give it a shot:

"Be a pediatric surgeon! Learn the craft of stitching on small defenseless creatures! Earn free eyewear donated by the Bottle Collector's Club!"
THAT is hilarious, thank you.
While Mr. McCarfferty played with his toupee, the lads were completely distracted by the appearance of a live girl in the Fly Tying room.
Are you sayin' Weiner was a GIRL? 'cause that changes everything.
Jim Brown (to my right) was married to Julianne Laird (of Christian thrash rock fame) for awhile.
Could someone explain Christian thrash rock to me? Is it like The Darkness, but more like The Lightness?
Well Tim, after being in the music biz for 13 years, I can offer only this about Christian Rock, and most of it's variants. I will quote a pastor who summed this up quite well in 1986 and it seems to still hold true.

"Christian rock is stuck with musical trends from ten to fifteen years ago. It basically takes the popular musical styles from then and adds a whole lotta Jesus!"

So Tim, in order to understand it, you must rewind in time to a point between 1989 and 1996. Remember grunge? I think thrash metal was 'big with the kids' then too. Now "add a whole lotta Jesus."


What does the Musicologist say?
Or as Steeleye Span retorted when criticised for playing electric guitars: Folk is the music of the people on the instruments of the times.

Now explain to me the religious significance of Robert Plant's hipthrust power rock stance as he sings Whole Lotta of Jesus...
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