

Domi-aragato Mr. Peenbato

And who could ever forget Pino's six-month stint as the Bassist for Styx. Joe rocked then, he rocks now and will continue to rock into the future (although his rocking heretofore may be more intermittent).

Joe will
Joe will
Rock you

Oh sh&^$t wrong band.
True story: I wanted to call the album Pieces of Ate with a cover shot of the band barfing on the steps of the White House. But they wussed out on the punk theme at the last minute, removed my sure-fire hit single "Firecracker In Margaret Thatcher's Butt" and gave me the old
"artistic differences" speech as they kicked me out of the group. Bastards.
Beware any time anyone on the blog begins a post with "true story," and any post that says "Jeff said." I may be a musicologist, but I grew up in the 70s and I know the difference between Styx and Queen.
Can I also mention how much I love the "real" picture of Styx. They all look so serious- like the work they're doing is either so important or that they're all such hard asses. I mean, what's the difference between Styx and, oh I don't know, Sandy Duncan's work in the Million Dollar Duck? Not much- except at least Sandy has the courtesy of smiling at the camera man.

Question- who has had a more significant impact on American Culture Don Knotts or Styx? Cheer up fellas, it's only rock and roll.
The Incredible Mister Limpus changed my life forever.
Yeah, but then he did Three's Company. That was BAD. Styx had a cool name. It's a hard choice.
It's amazing how these comments can go from Styx to Don Knotts so quickly.

BTW, Don was a Morgantown homeboy.
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