

Glass Planet Meets Styx

Okay, I had to do it. We were taking publicity shots for the band last week and I made them do the Styx thing. Although I think we look more angry than serious. Except Dave, the drummer, on the right, who can't completely keep a smile off his face.

"Yo punks! We wipe our ass with broken glass and our tattoos have tattoos. Except the guy on the end, who just giggles a lot."

If the current name doesn't work out you could be "The Angry Parents Whose Kids Stayed Out After Curfew".

Thanks for sharing this. It made my day.
People in glass planets shouldn't....oh wait, that doesn't make any sense. Never mind. Go about your...um, I'll be over here if you need me.
"...throw bands?" Perhaps you're right.

Yeah, Joe, we're not very tough, I'm afraid. But actually, only half of us are parents. And our youngest is about 30, so we're not ALL over the hill. And, I look damned good for my age. Don'tcha think?
Wow. What a set up. What can I say? Kim, you look damned good for any age. (you can send my check via this blog).
Geez, this looks like a new cast photo for the Sopranos.
Well, we are in Jersey.

Joe: Best friend status intact. Cash to follow. I'll see you in a few days so I don't have to send it over the blog.
In the end it's about the music, man.

Or as Keef (Richards) said: if all the fans went away tomorrow, you could find me back at the top of the stairs in my mum's house, playing for myself.
The Wisdom of The World's Highest Paid Junkie.
I've looked at this picture about half a dozen times now. What I love about it is that everyone (well, except the "ruining it by smiling guy")seems so...annoyed- I mean really annoyed- I think that is the attitude for rock stars in the future- annoyance.

I'll write some lyrics.
You said you would call if you were going to be late.
You said that tongiht, I wouldn't have to wait.
You said you would take out the trash.
You said you'd use ointment and stop scratching that rash.

b-b-b-baby you're annoying as hell
b-b-b-baby it won't get you very far
b-b-b-baby you're annoying as hell
and I'm a friggen' rock star!

someone else will have to write the second verse. It's grown tiresome.
I think those lyrics are bloody awesome.

I also think everyone WAS annoyed because I kept making them take pictures.
Okay, I'm the (really) annoyed -- AND BORED, come to that -- looking one on the left (hey!) side of the now-famous Glass Plan-it pic. I'm trying to imitate my idol, Tommy Shaw. God, I loved him. Does that mean I'm gay?

p.s. it's really YOUS GUYS that rock
If you were from W PA, you'd say "yunz guys", but I'll forgive you. Kim's with me and she's filled me in. All yunz Glass Planeteers rock!
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