

Most Dramatic-redux

Lots of really good schmacting-- as Joe would say-- going on in these photos. Tough call on Most Dramatic, but I think Kim's ability to act even with a paper mache rock and Eric's blocking to show off his butt, give them the edge. Credit to GD for the David Cassidy look and to Jennie for the pre-Princess Leia danish muffin hairstyle. And I think the judges had a soft spot for the Pesceyne kid and Jim Fetterman.

That picture of Kim with the REALLY fake rock puts me in mind of that Star Trek episode where the miners are terrorized by the creature that looks like a pizza someone dropped on the floor.
Nuh-uh. The cardboard grass and edelweiss clearly defines it as a granite-schist boulder deposited in an alpine meadow during the last glacial retreat. So back off with the geek trekkie references, Mr Spock.
I was a trekkie. The being in question was a "Horta." Really! And it was a pretty bad fake boulder.
All kidding aside, Jennie was bloody awesome in The Miracle Worker and the other shows she did. She still gets the crown in my book. And folks, let's not forget. It was "Most DramaticAL."
"I got a rock"- Charlie Brown
Jennie I think the overuse of gingham may have hurt you in the polling. Though I think Kim's black leather nun's habit and the fishnet stockings she wore under it gave her an unfair advantage.
In your dreams, baby ;-)
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