

The Heathers-Redux

Here we all are, ca. 1978. We all wore flowers in our hair--mine's pinned in the back. What a night we had!

Whew. Is it just me or did it suddenly get very warm in this blog?
I like this picture. Nell's back and the lip gloss isn't as blinding as in the B/W photo below.
Hmmm...I see these Heathers photos and a memory comes back to me. Tim and were also in the Camera Club at IHS. Club members took candids at HS events for use in the newspaper and yearbook. These Heathers photos remind my of a few photo assignments back in the day with a large 4x5 Graflex camera and a battery pack that seemed to weigh more than I did.
Note: none of us had dates to that dance.

Mealy was home "sick" Eric had Julie, Weiner who were you with? ?
I think Lisa and I had broken up and I went as the camera club photographer. Lots of complex biopolitics, if I recall.
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