

Survivor: PVP and Hunt Club

What's the interest level in a Tabish reality show, where under The Man's guidance, aspring thespians audition, rehearse and then perform some play for a panel of sleezy Hollywood talent agents to see who gets a small speaking role in the next Steven Segal action flick? The gimmick is that they have to share a trailer in Blairsville while the cameras record their interactions over the rehearsal period. Should it be open to the public or just former Sendranians? What play?

Sherry can you help us with the pitch and then the production stuff if it gets the green light?

I see something more akin to BATTLE ROYALE, with the original Japanese characters changed to be IAHS students, Tabish as the teacher, and Shelocta instead of an isolated island.

[Nell and Kim, find out about Battle Royale here.]

PS Nell, this is an example of teasing, not making fun.
I wanna be girl #13.
also Jennie has to promise to disarm and cut her finger nails BEFORE we get to Shelocta.
Unbelievable. I originally had the phrase "...Tabish as the teacher, Ginger as Girl #13, and Shelocta...", but I removed it so people wouldn't think I was being smarmy (or smarmier than usual). Tim and Eric would be the hackers making the car bomb. I'd be the fat kid who takes the crossbow to the chest.
I wanna be the sweaty fat guy who runs out of breath after he does anything.....

wait a minute, ladies and gentlemen- I think that my dream has already come true.
Weiner would you please be boy#16 I think I get to kill you with a coat hanger??
Can I be Girl #9? She climbs a lighthouse and I'm great at climbing!
It's boy #14- that's me- he's fat kid who gets killed pre-dawn day #1.
Actually Ginger, she stabs him in self -defense with a knife. No, you'd want to be Girl #16 - she takes out about half the cast with a sickle.
Bin, if you're Girl #16, I'd have to unintentionally poison you. If you've gotta go, cyanide is painless.

I think Joe means for you to be Girl #11-she's got the sickle.

Boy #6 kills 12 students--and his weapon is a paper fan! Who'd play him?
Girl #11 is right - my mistake. The poisoning is actually pretty nasty even though accidental. It's meant for someone else.

Boy #6 probably has to be Kurt Steje. Or Tony Exton.

Should I bring this flick to the party? We could do my student's favorite double feature: BATTLE ROYALE and OLDBOY.
Nell Belle you called me BIN!!

Mealy should be the fan boy, he is probably in the best shape of any of us, being a pro dancer and all.

Geoff you wanna be boy #12 and do a fan dance??? You can get your revenge on all of us for calling you Mealy for 30 years.
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