

It was Kim's idea...or...don't blame us, we voted for Kerry

Scene: midtown Manhattan
Time: November, 2005

Kim: Tabish is retiring this year, wanna go back to see him?
Eric: Sure, whatever. Hey, Weiner, I have Mealy's # in my cell phone; let's call and annoy him.
Kim: No seriously, let's meet in Indiana and throw a small party for him.
Tim: OK, whatever. Why don't you work out the details Kim and get back to us. Eric, why would you have his cell # in your address book?

8 months later...

Kim: Hey kids, we're gonna put on a show! We can build a stage in Noker's bar(n). My mom can make a curtain, Anne can direct, Ian can star, Jeff can do the music and Joe can be the tech guy. We'll rehearse at Nell's and Carol and Liza will do the PR. It'll be swell. And if we raise enough money, we might even be able to buy some colored paint for the set!

If I didn't know better I'd think Kim had one too many at lunch - it's taking both Eric and Tim to hold her up.
As good as we (thought we) looked back in the day, I think we ALL look even better now!
THANK you, Nell. I happen to agree. To Joe, however, I say this: I never drink, but there is no doubt I was a little woozy after lunch with those two. You try it sometime and see if you don't feel the same.
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