

Truth and Reconciliation

The heartfelt sincerity of Tabapolooza '06, compels me to come clean about the infamous "cricket cage" incident. (By way of disclosure, several years ago I confessed my sin to Friar Tabish.)

Truly, it was an inspired peice of stagecraft, carefully calculated to steal the scene from GD and Nell. Admittedly, it usurped MISTER Tabish's directorial and creative perogative and now, as an adult, I can understand why he did not appreciate it's comic brilliance. (Power trip thing of his.)

My image was of a slightly lost character who gets himself into a small but embarassing situation. Sort of like the village idiot with a boogie stuck on his finger who is trying to no avail to get it off. Funny in a crude sort of way. And I was trying to amuse Lisa and myself during some boring plot exposition part of the play.

Anyway, and in spite of my privledged position as IHS royalty, I too, was taken aback at the ferocity with which MISTER Tabish contested my artistic choice. In fact, like the terrified 10th graders watching off stage, I was scared speechless. To the extent that I even pretended like the cage was actually stuck in a ploy for mercy and sympathy. It did in fact cause Him to flinch, briefly, as perhaps he tried to imagine explaining to a lawyer or school board review committee why he had jeopardized a student and cut short his future career as a surgeon.

Before he could discover the truth, I mananged to "suddenly" free my hand. But then had to endure the pedantic scolding about props that now counts as another important life lesson for so many of us.

The observation that this moment remains vivid 28 years later and has reached somewhat mythological status tells me he probably should have let me keep it in the play. Oh well. Genius is often ahead of its time.

(I have to comment on how charmingly Lisa is giggling-- one of her endearing qualities and favorite memories of her-- as I stand there with such a stupid smirk on my adolescent slab of face.)

Truly, my favorite photo of the weekend! The innocent joy of adolescence at its finest.
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