

The Sendrac "Heathers"

The link explains the connection. But where is Nell?

Nell had stepped out to get the Drano® (ed- movie reference, rent the DVD)
The one remaining photo that does exist with ALL the beautiful "Heathers" was secretly STOLEN from the lovely home of Janine and Stanley sometime on the night of the Tabapallooza Prepreparty...mysteriously and slyly STOLEN!...
The photo had been passed carefully (and in what we thought was a nonchalant manner as to not attract attention of the fan masses)from Neen to Nell so that Nell could make a copy, since apparently, Neen owns the one remaining copy (OBVIOUSLY at various Sendracs cast parties over the years, these precious and priceless photographs have been stolen before...by whom? and for what reason? Oh, well the reason is obvious, but by whom?????)So, the one remaining copy was guardedly passed off to Nell for copying and a planning for a better security system (Nell does have the Desinex edge in the field of security)
HOWEVER, at 4 or 5AM when the Heathers realized they needed to get at least one wink of beauty sleep before the next day's festivities, Nell discovered that she did NOT have the photo! After the eight or fifteen bottles of wine that the Heathers had consumed, Nell actually came very close to accusing Neen that she had secretly taken back the photo and wanted to be the sole owner of the last remaining Heather photo of the vast Heather Photo Collection. Knowing that Nell had partaken in abundant inebriation that evening (but not quite as much as Jennie :O)...)Neen graciuosly did not hold the slight accusation against her. She hoped that Nell would again find the photo after gallons of coffee in the morning.There was some Heather flurry of searching for the one remaining photo...but to no avail...and the Heathers parted knowing that now, only their actual live beauty could be used to sustain future masses...I mean, that didn't actually bother them, but they knew that it would seriously bother their legions of fans who needed Heather clip art and wallpaper for their blogging computers...
Anyway, on the night of the actual Tabishfest, during all the festivities when none of the Heathers would notice, the missing Heather photo mysteriously reappeared amongst Neen's belongings...she immediately laughed at Nell,since it was now proven how silly Nell was for thinking Neen had selfishly kept the photo, when Nell had had it the entire time (Evil red wine!) Nellbell's eyes grew soooooo wide with terror...she was NOT the one who had returned the photo...SOMEONE else had stolen it!!!!
Who are you??? Why did you steal the last remaining all-inclusive Heather photograph?? (Well, again, that reason is really quite obvious....)But even more puzzling...Why did you return it??? Are you crazy???Do you truly understand its value???
Silly boy(s), come clean. There will be no (or at least not many) repercussions...
Notice more of the "possibly impossible possibilities and being all that you can possibly be is not impossible" stuff behind them. Oh, for the Hallmark Prom optimism of adolescence...
I will be scanning a copy of this last vestige of adolescent "Heatherdom" to Joe for inclusion forever in this blog, both for my own posterity and for anyone else who may enjoy this type of photographic charm. And whoever you are who returned the photo to Neen, my undying gratitude.
"... couldn't remember how it ended up with my stash..."

Need I say more?????????
I thought Eric was in charge of getting the weed; or getting...the weed; or getting THE WEED?!
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