

Monkey on My Back

I'm going through withdrawal. What is the Tabishland equivalent of methadone?

I mean, for a friend, my friend wants to know.

Tell your "friend" Tabishland is sort of like the mob (or Scientology) - once you're in, you're in for life. If you try and get out, you meet a couple of guys called Fat Tony and Nails who introduce you to Jimmy Hoffa (there's a reference the that will leave the kids scratching their heads...).
"Nails". Add that one to the nickname list.upxit
Don't know. Me, too I'm going thorough withdrawal. Tell your friend we should form a support group.
Liza, we ARE the support group.
Ian, the Tabishlandequivalent for you and your "friend" is chipped ham. I apologize for all of us that we never let you in on that years ago...it was mean and selfish of us.It probably would have saved you years of pain... I'll tell you whatI'll do...I have lots of it...I am willing to share...get in your car RIGHT now...don't tell anyone...just drive back to where you came from...I'll be here with mustard and mayo...come quick before the others get word that I have some in supply...
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