

Who's the biggest dork in Hollywood?

The videos you've heard about. Watch them before they go away again. NSFW. Lily sasses Dustin in the second video. Sweet!



You Gotta Love This


Don't Worry Tim- I'm Still Here

I'm just still recovering from my wicked awesome Spring Break in Daytona Beach. It was so friggen' awesome. Here is a picture of some guys I met- Ronnie B, some other guy, Brett who we called "The Finger", some other guy and oh, what was his name? Mmm, Mike or something like that- Mike, Mark, I don't remember. Those guys were awesome. They came to party!

Daytona Beach knows how to PARTY!

I spent a week drinking Coors Light out of this contraption made from a trash bags, a turkey baster and some garden hose. We also invented a drink with equal parts Vodka, gatorade and the left over milk part from a bowl of Cocoa Puffs. We called it an ass-kicker- 'cause it kicked our asses.

So, my head is still throbbing from all of that. Plus I think I 'caught a rare strain of anthrax and I owe six thousand dollars to the Daytona Beach Petting Zoo for an incident with one of their alpacas.

But as soon as I get my head together- I'll be back!

(by the way, anyone know what it means when you develop a rash of little blue spots on your toungue?)


Another example of that "interconnectedness thing"

Nell's comment about this site kind of like being a crisis intervention center where we sit around at our monitors for hours waiting to talk some jagged-out blogger strung out on Starbucks coffee off the edge of the building, got me thinking. The link seems to be a legitimate use of YouTube and blog broadband, even better than my posts about the latest DC gossip.

Anybody seen Ian or Joe lately?




I was going to get on the Tabishland and complain bitterly about my life, but because of Google's stupid transition to the new blog format and my frustrated banging on the keyboard I ended up instead in Gene's blog. And then read Ian's note. I feel much better now.

Thanks for you all being out there.


My vote for First Lady

Unapologetic liberal with animal rights credibility. Could become Kim's favorite candidate.



Anyone Up for a Summer Concert?

I love it when famous people work for the betterment of society.


Like a jock at the Prom

The comments are hilarious.



A choice of Bums for Nell.


Career change?

"posse dude", "crumber", "HMO professional", "roadkill collector",....


Ah! The teenage years

Some of the quotes funny, such as "America doesn't particularily like its teenagers."



Fame Junkies

Kim: the book I was thinking of.


Those kooky kidz

Read recently that Trent Reznor was the lead in several muscials (e.g. The Music Man) whilst at Mercer High School.



Springtime in New Jersey

The poets don't write about it, and yet it is something poetic. The flowering trees are beautiful, and the other trees are starting to become a little green! The flooding has passed and the week-end is supposed to bring us sunshine and warmth. While it is unforunate (to quote the East Brunswick Environmental Commission web site) that "It is our feeling that the 2007 Salamander Migration is over," we are still hearing Spring Peepers (frogs) every night. Nature abounds in the nation's most densely populated state.

How are things in YOUR neck of the woods?



Virginia Tech

To all of you who work on campuses, or those like me who are all too soon sending their children off to campuses, and to everyone who cares...just a moment of reflection and sympathy on the terrible events at Virginia Tech. You can take any angle, from the response of campus security to the warnings in the boy's writings to our gun laws in this country. But in the end, it's just a lot of nightmare for scores of people. What I frequently go back to is astonishment that lives can take such a drastic and fast turn....that people who woke up and brushed their teeth and made plans in their head about what they were going to do for lunch had everything taken in an instance - whether they be victim or family member or friend. It's daunting and it's scary.



The Full Monty

We are selling out so I guess they measure up. Let me know if you want more revealing pics!



Surgery in public

Disclaimer: cool magic trick revealed.



r.i.p. wanda june

Kurt Vonnegut died yesterday. I have some really fond and funny memories of being in Ian's production of Vonnegut's play HAPPY BIRTHDAY WANDA JUNE which he made during my freshman year of college. I recall is it a sort of riff on the "return of Odysseus myth" but honestly I don't remember the story I think it has something to do with hunting.

Like Bungalo Bill.

Chip was in it, Anne K was in it. Ian directed. I just remember laughing a lot. I remember eating as many jelly beans (?) as I could stuff in my mouth during a scene, just to make everyone laugh. I remember coming to rehearsal and hearing that John Lennon had been killed. I have the vaguest memory that we may have done a scene from this in one of DRT's classes in high school. Anyway, I though of that show in lovely Pratt Auditorium at IUP this morning when I saw KVs picture in the paper.



Dahwnee Oris, he's from the burg

This looks likes somebody's basement in Murraysville. Their political careers are over too.


If it's printed, it's public

As you know, Monica Goodling is the unqualified teenage federal employee who took the Fifth and then resigned as part of the AG Gonzlaes scandal. Wonkette.com can always be relied upon to find the goods on the latest government nitwit. Joe, your political career is over now that you've used the word "p***y" on the internet. I think this is why Eric avoids the blogosphere.



The story of my life Pt 6

I can't decide which penguin is me. A friend volunteered the fact that I would probably be the penguin with the camera laughing his ass off.


More Kicks Courtesy of You Tube

Alanis sends her love Tim.



Even more cool 70's dudes....with sideburns

They visit the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP) and then find Karl Rove learning his lessons.


Forwarded to me this morning.

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it



Spring Holidays

If you celebrate any of the Spring holidays (Easter, Passover, Aboakyere, etc.), how are they different from the way your family celebrated when you were a child?

What are you glad to be rid of?

What do you miss?



Can Liza sell this line, too?

Whether you want more, or less, cowbell, this site's for you.



My Latest Addition to "Places I Plan to Visit"

This might be a good prep for the '08 election hoopla.

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