

Springtime in New Jersey

The poets don't write about it, and yet it is something poetic. The flowering trees are beautiful, and the other trees are starting to become a little green! The flooding has passed and the week-end is supposed to bring us sunshine and warmth. While it is unforunate (to quote the East Brunswick Environmental Commission web site) that "It is our feeling that the 2007 Salamander Migration is over," we are still hearing Spring Peepers (frogs) every night. Nature abounds in the nation's most densely populated state.

How are things in YOUR neck of the woods?

Last night I added hearing the Spring Peepers to my list of things that made me happy this week.

Maybe I should add "knowledge that salamanders migrate" to the list. No, that would just be silly.

I'm a gardening maven all weekend.
The really funny thing (and typical NJ if you think about it) is, they migrate from one side of Fresh Ponds Road to the other. There are signs on the street telling drivers to be careful not to hit them.
Right now I feel like one of those salamanders trying to cross a busy road.

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