

Fame Junkies

Kim: the book I was thinking of.

Thanks, T. You know, I was shocked - shocked - when a friend of mine recently said, "well, I don't like to be the center of attention." I guess as actors, all of you reading this (all two of you), are as flummoxed by that as I was. How could you not like that?

I guess the only thing that drives me nuts in our culture is the "famous for no reason" Paris Hilton types. But it never occured to me that it is something that fulfills a need on our end. For some.

Why not me, that's my question?
Fame is what some people get instead of a real life. All so they can get a better table. Then they spend alot of money trying to buy the privacy to have some sort of real life.
I am in a 12 step recovery program for Fame. My 1st step is trying to accept the fact that I am not famous, gosh its hard.
I read somewhere that someone thought the quest for fame was some sort of post-modern way to move up in the pack- the most famous were the true alphas. It was stated a lot more eloquently and I kinda bought it. (So, you'll just have to trust my partial recollection of a vague notion of a theory)
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