

Don't Worry Tim- I'm Still Here

I'm just still recovering from my wicked awesome Spring Break in Daytona Beach. It was so friggen' awesome. Here is a picture of some guys I met- Ronnie B, some other guy, Brett who we called "The Finger", some other guy and oh, what was his name? Mmm, Mike or something like that- Mike, Mark, I don't remember. Those guys were awesome. They came to party!

Daytona Beach knows how to PARTY!

I spent a week drinking Coors Light out of this contraption made from a trash bags, a turkey baster and some garden hose. We also invented a drink with equal parts Vodka, gatorade and the left over milk part from a bowl of Cocoa Puffs. We called it an ass-kicker- 'cause it kicked our asses.

So, my head is still throbbing from all of that. Plus I think I 'caught a rare strain of anthrax and I owe six thousand dollars to the Daytona Beach Petting Zoo for an incident with one of their alpacas.

But as soon as I get my head together- I'll be back!

(by the way, anyone know what it means when you develop a rash of little blue spots on your toungue?)

Ian, why didn't you stop in Tallahassee on your way back north and SHARE some of those blue spots???
Well...I know but I don't think you want me to tell in public.
*sigh* everyone's out having fun but me.
DOOOOOOODE! I just got back from Cancun!!!! Too bad you had that incident last year and your passport was confiscated. It was RAAAAD! Remember those Guatemalan twins? They were back and even wilder this year! As soon as I'm out of the hospital I'll send you the digi pics I took. Blood transfusions are a drag, dudeā€¦..A real drag.
If you mix Cold Duck or Asti Spumate with some water from the hottub, it makes a TOTALLY HOT cocktail that's called a "Baby Cham". The chicks love it.
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