

Trust + Murder = segue

Because of an an earlier post, I started thinking about any Trust Exercises we did with Tabish back in the day- I couldn't think of any, but I did have a memory of something I had completely forgotten about: The game of MURDER.

I liked playing it, because it gave me an excuse to actually make eye contact with other humans. Hansmann was probably better than any of us because of his cool tinted glasses.

By the way, trying to find a good winking graphic made me aware that "Winking" is a fairly common last name. This is now my favorite last name ever. Say it out loud. It's fun. Randy Winking. Sir Francis Winking. Rhonda Winking. Winchester Winkling and his Western Swing Orchestra.

It helps if you say them with a bit of a speech impediment so that your "R's" sound like "W's."

Anyone want to try and invent an internet version of murder?

Ian, remind us of how this is played!
I'm sorry Kim, we can barely read you - you're so far away. Can you type louder?
It has something to do with eye contact and interaction and communication and collaboration and concentrating on your surroundings, but I can't remember what it has to do with The Theatre. Where is Mr. Tabish when you need him? Oh, I forgot. He's on the floor. Ahem. Joe?
A group of people. The same number pieces of paper. One paper has "Murderer" written on it. Two papers have "Cop" written on them. The others say "Guest". Everyone takes a paper. The Murderer kills people by winking at them. When a person gets winked at they count to ten then "die". The cops try and figure out who the murderer is before being killed. That's all I remember. That and I remember it was sort of scary when you looked at someone and they "killed you".

I don't remember ever playing it with Natalie Portman. I think I'd remember that.
I remember playing, but not as a theatre game. I don't remember having cops, but I remember that the murderer tries to kill as many players as possible before being discovered.

I wear contacts. I'd be horrible at it. There is always something wrong with my eyes.

We could do an internet version using e-mail. The killer would send a single "Wink" email to his victim and the victim would send an "I'm Dead" email to the whole group (after counting to 10, natch). Everyone would keep score as to who was still "in". It would be easy for the killer, at least it seems like it would be easier than winking. Sorry Ian, there's no human eye contact with this version.
Oh weally?
Well, I suppose the killer could send Natalie's winking pic to the victim.

wikaf is my verifeasy. Is that a sign?
After the murder, is it proper to send a thank you email?
Anne's right. It's all the aluminum I ate as a child....
shit, that's right- it was killer not murder. Thanks Anne!!!

I don't remember the Peer Gynt episode- but that Monica was an odd ball.
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