

DRT says


Ok, this is a test and my first blog (yes Tim, I read your blog). I have been reading all this for some time now and I admit to being dumbfounded but not surprised (remember I knew you all when you were teens!!). I assume most of you got my email, and if you didn't, it is because I don't have yours so let me know what it is. As I said in the email, summer was good and we are off to France soon. Since this a test, I think I have said enough!!!!! (If it works, I expect some praise, Tim!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Elvis is in the building!

Was getting a vibe in the OR that SOMETHING WAS UP. Now I have the honor of the first comment.

Having just lost your bloginity, be prepared for some transient feelings of remorse and blogziety. Eventually, this blogprehension will settle on a "is it blog-worthy?" need for approval re: whether people will respond to your "posting" with what we blog-saavy call "comments". A bleeky (and/or bleak) post may get you blogstracized. Finally, you will begin to feed your blogddiction will hourly sreen "refreshes".

I just blew up the clustr-map bubble over NC to 1000+. My wife is planning an INTERVENTION with Dr Phil to get me into bloghab.
Dave, I'll give you the official Girls' Welcome before more of the guys step in. (You know how they are.) I wanted to be the first comment but I was being a good blomshell baking a cake so my attention was momentarily diverted.

You are now susceptible to blogdiction but we're actively developing our own 12 step program.

We're glad to have you with us "in person" and look forward with much anticipation to more posts as well as comments.

That Dave has been "reading all this for some time" makes me read the whole blog in a different light. Like we were handling props that weren't ours and he knew it all along.

Hi Dave. Pick up a prop! Just don't get your hand stuck inside it.
PS: please accept my apologies for the blump.
BLUMP (n.): blog post that bumps an earlier post from the top position before other bloggers have adequate opportunity to respond.
Nell: please record this sniglet in the departmental ledger.

PPS: my verifard includes the letters D, R, and T. Can there be any doubt that today is a special day in Tablishland?
Tabishland: The Comic 13
Joe, can you go over some netiquette with Dave--may I call you Dave?-- and explain that more than 2 exclamation marks (!!) and we'll think he's yelling at us again and that a clipboard may be in midair.

Elder Stateman Ron: Kim, our blom, is at the shuffleboard courts right now. Can you weigh in with an observation to give this special day the gravitas it deserves?
who's this "Dave?"
Please don't let pressure from my brother make you feel like you must blog on any and all free time.....susan and i are working on several good de-blogging rehabs for him now.
Hey it's HIM!!!
Let us all lean in!
This poor man. It's just heartbreaking. Here he is, retired from an illustrious career, where one could presume that the wisdom and knowledge he imparted had a lasting and uplifting effect on his students. And he gets....us. *sigh* oh, well. Maybe class of '83 or '84 or beyond will someday make something of their lives.
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