


At what point should you NOT respond (or stop responding )to a series of emails? I sent a request to a colleague. They replied. Now should I send them another email to thank them for the reply and/or acknowledge their reply? It seems right - if we were talking face-to-face I would do this. But in email it's just one more thing in the inbox that is nothing more than a two word "Thank you" note, possibly taking up valuable time. Is that wasting the person's time? Is it unnecessary?

I'm speaking here as someone in an environment where email is the primary mode of communication - I field upwards of 40 emails a day just from school business.

I'd started putting those one or two word responses in the subject line of the email, thinking people would see the answer and then delete it without having to open it, but the urge to make sure there wasn't something else in the body made that a failure -- lots of "got your email, was there supposed to be a message too or was it just the subject line?"

I know there are a variety of folks in different worlds out there - is there a generally accepted point where email can cut off and not be rude?

I would definitely respond to thank them for the answer. Because if you don't, they might email and ask if you got their answer. I think when you get to the point where you verify that all the necessary information has been received by the relevant parties, you can stop emailing. Just a matter of efficiency, in my humble opinion.
One way to "teach" your correspondents would be to include a very long "subject" followed by a one-word message.

Seriously, I haven't solved this one. I've been trying to pack more info into the subject heading for substantial messages, but the "thank you" thing I don't think I have a personal rule about.

Good sniglet, Joe. The Department of Sniglets would like to invite you to be a guest speaker at our colloquium. Wine and Cheese to follow.

Word verification emphatically in your face: fyyybiig
Check with Kim, she's very particular about this kind of thing. And she's kind of like the Mom of the blog.
I'd send a return thanks.

So with all these sniglets popping up, has Rich Hall joined the group?

Signing in from O-Hi-O with the verification word of:


Most interesting as it comes very close to my initials of ewh.
I think I may have solved this issue- By creating very low expectations, people seem to be very excited to get any sort of official confirmation from me- or anything that resembles business-like behavior for that matter. It eliminates much of the problem.

Ian's rule to successful arts management #1:

low expectations= a robust win/win situation that requires less re-think.

It's kinda like pretending you don't speak English. I predict this technique will be the next big thing in the academic and medical communities.

Ian's rule to successful health care management #1:

sloppy work= everyone being happy

oh wait. Now that I think about it, it may not work as well in other industries.
Wow. I did not know you had an MBA Ian.
I agree with Lisa, and I'm certain that our sea-faring blogger agrees as well. (She has additional e-mail rules I'm sure she'll share upon her return.)
Eric, my business acumen is on par with....well, like a dead thing- a dead thing that's been dead for a long time and is stinking up the place. Okay, think of a dead thing that's been dead for a long time and is stinking up the place and then think of something that has less of a business acumen than that. That would be me. No, that would be a guy in front of me in line who has already received a bit of business acumen. Me: not received my portion yet.
It's difficult to check in, but I'm here. And this is the first thing I have to say. Tim. I am not the "Mom" of the blog. I think of myself as the "Hot, Sexy Thang" of the blog.

That being said...okay, yeah, respond. I also feel like it's overkill sometimes, but I think it's better to let people know you got the message. I hate when I send something and I never get a response and I feel as though whatever I said is just hanging out there. We're kind of creating the rules as we go along, but those are the ones I like.

Okay, off I go. They charge by the minute and the connection is ghastly slow. Also...it's 70's dance night here on the ship. I'll be thinking of yunz. :-)
Dance with me,
I'm standing in my orange platforms
I feel free,
I've got a lime-green suit on,
Tim's in white tuxedo,
Noker's got the luck, see, so
Dance with Me.
Nell and I have worked it out for you Kim:
blonde (you have to change your haircolor) blog mom bombshell (e.g. Desperate Housewives) is a blomshell.

Do you want to be the blomshell?
Tim you're getting confused. Must be too much time around the anesthesia. You told me I could be the blomshell. Actually, Kim and I could both be blomshells. She wouldn't need to change her haircolor-at least not unless she wants to.
OK Nell, it's not a blig blucking deal. You can bloth be blomshells.

Blench, blabe, and blicks may also be something to aspire to. Just don't be a blitch.
Jeez, just forget the whole thing.
Tim. Language. DRT is around now.
What's the big deal with Tab and language? I mean, he was the one saying "shit" around all those teenagers.
Oh bluck that's right, I forgot.
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