

Miss SENDRACS, January 1978

For awhile Ginger was typecast in the character role of the "lady who rides in cardboard cars".

Just wait till I get my pics back from Joe! At least riding in cars was better than being placed (badly) in fours all over the "My Fair Lady" set. Peschooche demanded the best singers be in that dumb maid quartette. We didn't get to be in any fun numbers AND had no costume changes. I think my lines were "Ohhh oooooh oHHHH." On stage and off.

This rant was for those who were wondering why I wasn't smiling. Atleast I got my curtain call with Ian!
Yeah, the stupid cockney quartet was also stupid. All sing and dance and no acting- yeah good move puting me in a part like that. For years, as an actor, people would make me dance 'cause I was skinny and I am the worst dancer ever. Finally the word got around and that stopped, but not soon enough.

I do remember (trying to) waltz with Anne K in the same show- and even though I was dreadful, she made it fun.
The quartets were great. Stop whining, both of you. Ginger, you look great in those pics.
Yunz guys are just jealous 'cause I was the head maid.
Nell you are corect. Tabish at least let you stand up and lean. We were on our knees surrounding Kim most of the time. We were blocked to do so behind every piece of furniture on the set. Joe has the pics to prove it.

The rest of you kneeled around Kim on you own. (Kim thanks for the compliment, and did you notice, no armpit sweat!)
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