


This is post #193 and about hit #7500. Thanks to the handful of us that are using this as cheap psychotherapy for those 3 decades old, lingering HS neuroses, this thing is becoming as persistent as a post-nuclear cockroach. Who'd have thunk?

AND, it turns out we have recently heard that there are a few people who read it every day but never post anything, and the Great Man himself has apparently been checking in. We were a little disconcerted when we heard this, but then realize it could really become crazy now that we know we have an audience! Watch out!
So why hasn't anyone nailed me for Supreme Dorkiness in the White Disco Suit posting. I offered that in a spirit of good faith and full disclosure after putting out people's innermost poetical musings. The generosity and understanding of y'all not to pick on me has me all choked up. On par with the saintliness of Karen Fornari (who btw is married and a teacher in Pittsburgh after deciding not to take her vows in the convent) for taking me to the Prom.

So who DIDN'T Noker date?
Well, Noker didn't date me, at least as far I can remember.

Perhaps no one commented on it because the white disco suit thing is unremarkable for the era, Tim. I recall wearing (regularly) orange platform shoes, which I especially enjoyed with my lime green three-piece suit--whose demise in a car accident was probably the best thing that happened that day. I had a nice collection of pseudo-silk shirts, too, whose top TWO buttons I tended to leave unbuttoned.

I think we were just all relieved to see you in the standard Dorkwear (t) of the period.
I actually remember your shoes. Really. They went with your Nugent collection. You used to totter around in them holding hands with Patty. You NO DOUBT recall the sky (or perhaps Carolina) blue leisure suit with dark piping and the patent leather shiny white loafers (my dad's, size 11) I wore to the 9th grade dance (theme: Stairway to Heaven) in the hopes of impressing Mandy Williams or Kim Lenglet into dancing with me.

It didn't impress them.
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Mandy Williams was a year OLDER Tim. I can't imagine that she would have actually deigned to revisit the Jr. High, enticing as those loafers may have been.
You're right. The Mandy thing must have been the Christmas Dance the year before. That was my first, tenuous social debut after giving up the survivalist militia lifestyle of the trapping and bottle collecting crowd and escaping from their secret training camp near Marion Center.

They played Barry Manilow's "Mandy" that night coincidentally (urban legend is that it's a song about his dog). I still have warm feelings when I hear that song, but that may just be the vomitus spewing down my front.

Nevertheless, the white loafers still didn't impress Kim L.
The song was about his DOG? But it has the lyrics:

Well you came and you gave without taking
but I sent you away, oh Mandy
well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking
And I need you today, oh Mandy

So...he kissed his dog...AND sent her away? What kind of a sicko was that guy?
So, Gracie, is the Mandy urban legend true?

As we all know, Michael Murphy's "Wildfire" is about a horse, Toto's "Rosanna" is about Rosaanne Arquette, Carly's "Your So Vain" is about Warren, James and/or Mick and Glass Planet's "I like Bad Boys" is about Ty McGary.
But I DO like bad boys! Although I still don't know who Ty McGary was.

Gracie....for shame.
I heard that "Paint it Black" was about then White House Press Secretary Bill Moyers. Wait, did Barry record that song?
Roseanne Arquette also inspired a Peter Gabriel breakup song; quite the Muse, she.

Don't worry Gracie. Recently overhead in a Bowie, Maryland church basement:
-My name is Ian.
-Hi, Ian.
-And I'm addicted to Neil Sedaka and Styx songs.
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