

Ginger or MaryAnne

It's not certain whether Ginger has mastered the blog post, so I've taken the liberty of including her email update. If this violates internet etiquette, I'm sure I'll hear about it:

I am the new Executive Director of this noble establishment.


I am giving up the great opportunity to direct for Ian’s company, a dream come true, (even though Tim asked me not to drive Ian crazy.) Who me??

I am having moving meltdown, wrong compass direction from well …everyone I care about... except maybe Chip. Chip, you and I must spearhead Tab-fest ’07. How does Mickey feel about it? I am sweating already.
Thank God for climate control. Please come visit...

Love you,

(Congratulations and Best Wishes, the Legacy continues-- TW)

CONGRATS!!! That's so cool...
Bin, I am so HAPPY for you! Congrats, much success, see you in FL!!!
Fab! Congrats!
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