

Just a Reminder Tim, We Could Sink Much Lower!

Yes, if the desire is there, we could sink and sink and sink...

Is that Jennie on the top right or Ian with pageboy?
where can I get hair like this?
from a cat's butt?
You mean from butts of "cats that look like Jeff Magee"? Wouldn't that be a kind of autofeline gluteus coiffeurism?
I am quite amazed that there is no Photoshop trickery on this image.

Or maybe that is still to come?
Yes, this is very disappointing. You know what I think? I think maybe we need to RATE blog posts.
Most dramatic post.
Most popular post.
Best looking post.
Blog Clown.
Most intellectual post.
Most Athletic post.
Best all-around post.
No sweat. Just keep the count transparent so I don't have to listen to Geoff for the next 30 years.

Gender-specific or is it Tim...I mean, winner take all?
Well, I think you can cut "Most Intellectual Post" right out of there. What about some of the others?
Best Dancing Post
shoot, now I have to go get my High Arrows to look up the rest.
Best Dancing post...Joe did it at the end of the Palooza.
OOPs I found a better one

This is run by a good friend and former prof of mine. Julia Ward. It is worth a look. I don't know how to post this.

Tim was right I really am challenged. Thanks for letting folks know what my life is.
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