

The One Man My Fair Lady

"With a little bit of bloomin' luck"

Tabish and I talked about it but didn't think Indiana was ready for it. Plus people would probably have gotten jealous.
Ian, you have redeemed yourself. This is great. The only one Tim really doesn't look like is the fellow on the left, one of the super Mario brothers. So, maybe it's e-mann, wasn't he a Mario in another post?
I am really laughing for the first time in weeks! Ian I love you, but now Kevin has witnessed me wetting my pants!
Which was usually my treat watching him being the oldest!
Okay, I'm going to be a complete bore here. You know what I love about the "real" picture of Tim- the physical relationship between Tim and (is that Jennie?)....

See, here's a thing of which Dave was a master and Tim was talented beyond his years. Most actors (high school, college, professional) have no idea what they are doing physically. They stick their hands in their pockets and pretend to be naturalistic. Most directors spend their entire time making actors feel good about their performances and completely ignore the fact that they have an opportunity to communicate all sorts of things- concrete and abstract- to an audience visually.

Dave told the stories of the plays visually- you could be deaf and still know what was going on.

Look again at Tim in this picture. You don't have to know what he's saying- and it's not because of some crappy immature over-acting on his part, it's because he comitted physically to the moment.

Ya'll were great, but Tim was a perfect foil for Dave's Meyerholdian fun.

I was and always have been a big laugher on stage (even the fear of Tabish couldn't prevent me from letting loose a big smile or giggle when watching Tim or Gene do their bits). That's what that big goofy grin is about on the "real" picture- it's me laughing at Tim Weiner.

Sorry- I will now return to my usual snide self.

Oh and Tim, you may still feel free to bite me.
oh, and the reason why I could never work with Chip- I could never make it through a scene without laughing tat something one of the funiest human beings on the planet said or did.

There is a moment in the Theater-by the Grove production of Thurber Carnival (yes, Thurber Carnival)that remains, in my mind, the funniest moment I've ever seen on stage: Chip as a dinosaur. Ask him about it.
Quoth Ian "Look again at Tim in this picture. You don't have to know what he's saying- and it's not because of some crappy immature over-acting on his part, it's because he comitted physically to the moment."

Yeah, he was itchy.

OK, I'll bite you Ian. Just tell me where.
I once put my hand in a cricket cage instead of my pockets.

It didn't seem to fly.
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