

First Star Trek and Tull, now this....How low can this blog sink?

The link in the title exploits Google's new "200 hundred years of newspapers" feature. Well sort of.

And, of course, Burl was a Big Daddy in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Coincidence or what?

So not only am I suffering from blogarrhea (acute and continuous mindless postings) today, I'm now solipsistically being the first to comment on my posting. (Jeff, we need a sniglet for this phenomonon.)

That said, if you chose to follow this post,s link, I highly recommend the "Lunchlady interview" under "Various articles". Just thought you might wanna know.

Please stop me before I post again.
Gosh Tim, where do you dig this stuff up from? Are there no hernias in need of repair today? No central lines to be placed oh so carefully? Nuthin? I'm gonna call Meredith and tell on you.
Today is clinic day. Surgeons hate clinic day. I'd rather do anything else beside clinic day. And I'm still stuck in clinic doing dictations, which I hate as much as clinic itself. I didn't get to operate even once today.

I don't think there's much that would shock Meredith about the goofball things I do anymore.
I have some cross-stitch. Should I send it to you?
Now Nell, be nice. I think he deserves an enormous credit for the use of the word "solipsistically," which certainly sent me running for Mirriam_Webster.com.

Life is better with more on the Blog.

!Blog on!
So instead of "Physician, Heal Thyself", Tim would say "Physician, Know Thyself" (and only thyself).

BTW was "solipsistically" your Word du Jour Tim?
Okay, I'll be nice now.
I confess that I've used variations of solipsism since HS, when as a smarmy adolescent I realized it fit my egotistical existentialism whereby reality was a movie in which I starred. Now I have a blog wherein I think I'm the center of the internet Universe but in actuality am playing to an audience smaller than the PVP on a rainy night.
Still stuck in clinic huh?
It goes without saying that I was using the word metaphyically rather than epistemilogically. Did everyone notice that "spicy chicken" beat out pizzaburgers as the favored cafeteria food of the late 90's IAHS, according to the Lunch Lady interview? Nell, Neen, what's the hot 5th period food these days, sushi or dim sum or Lance products?
We serve a potato dim sum, but we call it a pierogi. And the sushi offering is sweepings from the hog plant floor wrapped in a thin intestinal membrane much like nori or wakame and sprinkled with nitrate preservative instead of flying fish roe. We call it a "land roll" but some people call it kielbasa. And we still use real canned apples in our famous apple crisp.

The highlight of the year is still when we cater the Sr Dinner Dance for our proud graduates.
Chicken or Beef?
Tim's condition (synonyms):

autobloggerotic activity
The parents in the group may be aware of a problem among small kids where they play "The Choking Game". A tragic problem, really. (Speculation is the lead singer of INXS died as a result of this as an autoerotic activity.)

Following Jeff's suggestion, maybe we can portmanteau the words: making a post, being the first to comment on it and then, metaphorically, "dying" over the embarassment of having such a meagre life that this is what fills your day, could be called "bloking".

And honest to god, my word verification is "drab". I may have to start drinking early today and try to write sincere poems like a nihilistic sophomore English major.

Life is a fog.
Only friend is a blog.
Slog thru the bog of existence.
Please, sir, more grog.
Tim's a joker,
He's a bloker,
But where's old Noker?
He's the one the girls will geh-eh-eh-et.

Tim's a jogger,*
He's a grogger,
He's a midnight blogger,
Get's his lovin' from the neh-eh-eh-et.

*Word used for rhyme insurance only. Subject known to run track in HS, but no evidence of further VPA since 5-mile run with Obie homey across Ohio prairie roads circa Fall 1979.
Steve Miller. Ack, as Liza would say. How could you do that to me? Right up there with Pablo Cruise, J Geils and Jack Browne as psuedomusic.

"Heard it on NPR" as they say: sounds like there's a neat book about the early (and better) CA sound. Has "Laurel canyon" in the title, if you wanna search Amazon.

May be starting to having a little post post commentary post depression setting in, as this thread blokes on. I'd take meds but Tom Cruise (Pablo's bro?) says I don't need them.
OK Jeff!

I am still waiting for the promised
"If I were a Weiner"

Please segue
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