

Cats That Look Like Jeff Magee, Part two

Hey Jeff, I can't find your new email address. I have a quick question for you- could you send your new EMail address to me?


Thanks- Ian

Done. If this "quick question" has to do with what music was being played in, say, Ernest, PA, ca. May 1877, I don't know the answer.

On the other hand, if you want McGary's home address (since you seem to be visiting Indiana a lot these days), I can certainly oblige.
Google is beta testing a service whereby you can look back into newspapers from the last 200 years. Seriously. Cool.

Apparently a delta blues/polka/bluegrass hybrid was performed at the Ernest Grange at the spring calf neutering hoedown in 1877. Styx performed at the 1877 IAHS Prom.
I would hope, Ian, that with a post titled "Cats That Look Like Jeff Magee, Part two" you would actually HAVE another picture of a cat who looks like Jeff Magee. I think this is false advertising and/or you are a tease.
I think Ian's a tease.
Boy, it took everything I had to walk away from that one....
Gee, I haven't been called a tease since I was swing dancer for the Pal Joel Dream Ballet at IUP's Fisher Auditorium in 1979.

But, then again mayb they were just saying an eye-rolling "Please!"
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