

Ginger and Frank discuss whether Tabish should have done Showboat

Ginger wisely wore out a nice outfit, so we couldn't make her mow grass. Nonetheless, "the puppies" (210 lbs. of them) still tried to give her clothes a farm-distressed look. Ultimately only Laika and Oscar were invited in to visit.

Frank held court. Ginger held court. My mom, Meredith and I stayed out of it.

Gosh, it's nice to "see" your parents again - please say hi to them for me!
Also nice to 'see' yer dogs Tim, even though I have never met them.
just for the record....mom celebrated one year cancer free!! I think her short buzz is quite hip.
Jane, Your folks were such a delight. Having lost both of my folks at a young age, it was really wonderful so talk to my parents' contemporaries, and get that "elder states person" view on local characters and past events in Indiana. You and Tim are so fortunate to share your adult lives with them. and yeah I loved the buzz cut. Now that I am a Floridian, I might follow suite.
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