

Jane's Own Special Corner

To honor this auspicious day, I have provided y'all with a special YouTube video link in the title, that I'm sure at least Gracie will enjoy.

And to get today's Jr High School dance going, I pose the following query for comment:
What was the best performance:
-Jane as "Reba" in "You Can't Take it with You", a brilliant piece of politically incorrect casting.
-Tim as a screaming, spitting Nazi (2 lines)
-Susan's death-defying Sword Dance in "Brigadoon"
-Kim's creation of the Alps in the audience's mind using just the power of her voice, a slide projector and a papermache Rock.
-Eric as some stern father/captain character of your choice.

Sorry to be bloking, but write-ins are OK.
May I have this dance Tim?

Jane and Gene were perfectly paired as Reba and Donald. I enjoyed watching Steve as Mr. DePinna.
I enjoyed Jay-nine butt up on the couch.
wow tim this is neat just like you said. similiar to when steve martin saw his name in the phone book...i am somebody...

my write-in is and always will be Liza and I as blind girls.
with luv and affection 4-evah
jan ween
It's addictive. And then it starts to take over you life. Joe's not posting comments right now b/c he's in rehab in the Arizon desert. And Ian's probably trying to hustle change in a DC metro station to pay an internet service provider so he "can git anotthhher bloooggg fix, man".

Just say No, Jane.
Msr Pino can set you up with an invite, so you can hang with the cool kids if you want.
It's already sent
Blind girls rock!
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