

Dr. Weiners Original YouTube Elixir for finding new music

I thought I'd jump in and create a thread for Tim's suggestion of everyone posting YouTube links for exposing music-hungry folks to new bands.

I offer Pittsburgh's own Modey Lemon. This, their sole video, only hints at the heady mix of fuzz-tone psychedelica/funky groove rock they do.

This crappy live video has lousy sound but, wow, the kids have energy to spare.
The audio is too lousy for me to figure out what the song is.

-Hey kids, check out this rad, fresh vibe.
-Mr Pino's cool; if only he wouldn't try to talk like us

I know that room. It's one I rented once in Blawnox.

I guess this isn't a love song.
Tim, he already told us his students don't call him "Mr.". It's either Joe, or F***in' Pino. Remember...?
The repressed Helen emerges. Any chance to use "that word" now, eh?
I hate slang, esp. "hip" slang.

"Word up dude." Blech.

A good old fashioned "F**k yeah!" still does the trick.

Though I got a big laugh in class the other day by ending a sentence with "true story".

I'll share my "cool" guage with you all. In my mind, "cool" and "Hip" has to transend time - it has an intrinsic something that resonates with everyone . Rayban Wayfarer sunglasses. The Tuxedo. The Rubic Cube. The Deloren. The Coke bottle. Lenny Bruce. The first four Elvis Costello albums.

So how do you know if something is really cool and hip, or just trendy and soon-to-be-"so yesterday"?

Imagine your Dad or Grandfather using it/wearing it/participating in it. If it retains its "wow" and elevates Dad to a higher level - then it's cool, not trendy:

Dad in a tuxedo = cool.
Dad in baggy jeans with his boxers exposed = trendy.

Dad listening to the Velvet Underground = cool.
Dad with a backwards baseball cap on = trendy.

Dad making a 50 mile side trip to get a hoagie at Pat's in Philly = cool. Dad with a pierced brow = trendy.

Dad on a Harley = cool
Dad on a Segway = questionable leaning toward nerdy

Dad saying "F**k yeah" = cool
Dad saying "Word up dude" = uncool

Got it? Now spread the gospel of cool to the world with me.
My Dad died, so him doing ANY of that stuff would be F*#$g amazing.

ACTUALLY, that's a very interesting, Joe. I'm passing this along to my kids. Ethan has always had radar for and despises anyone "trying to be cool." He thinks absolutely everyting is "cheesey." Giving him a tool to fine tune this skill seems the motherly thing to do.
Any older male or female relative is suitable for this test. Parents are usually best because of the "ooo ick my parents couldn't be cool" factor.
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