

The Blog - A Perspective

With the exception of Eric and Tim, everyone I've reconnected with from High School over the years has amounted to a connection found and then a connection lost again. It seems as though it isn't easy to hold things together between the reunions.

It occured to me that the blog really is our old community come back to life. It isn't just us as individuals - we are a group once again. We talk, we laugh, we share - we make fun of, we flirt, we gossip. All the same stuff we used to do. Without a lot of the angst. It's like High School Lite.

My husband says our blog is like a Junior High Dance ("not even a Senior High Dance," he says, "a Junior High Dance" a point that I get, and the underlying not-so-subtle dig). There are those out on the dance floor stirring things up and being extroverts, those dancing quietly on the sidelines, those standing up against the wall watching, those who stayed home. We're all there, kids. Even the ones who aren't there. It's good to be back.

Amen to that!
Thanks to Joe for his behind the scenes work in making this all possible.
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