

Dr. Dave and the Mimettes

Anne, Grac(i)e, Bonnie Smith, Anthe Moss and me. Wilma and my family are in the background, too. Baby bro is up front (now an aerospace engineer).

Grace or Anne - do you remember what these occasions were?

Oh lord, to be able to fit in those size jeans again!

Well, first of all, in the picture on the top right, it's nice to see mimes SMILING instead of bored out of their minds. Then, I love Gracie in the bottom picture. What a great expression!
And look at those cars in the bottom pic! You guys aren't only in another whiteface, you actually appear to be in another time dimension. I had no idea DT was so powerful.
I think I may have silk screened those t-shirts in art class. I had one that I kept for, probably, ten years.

I don't tell anyone I used to do/be a mime. They mock me relentlessly if they find out.
Mum's the word, Ian.
I was mistaken. Mime's the word.
Anne, I thing you're right about the Indiana Mall. I think the the mimes amok pic is from the Indiana Arts Festival or something downtown...? I think I have more pics from Mack Park - someplace with trees.

I remember Grac(i)e meticulously working the Xacto (sp?) knife on those silks for the posters.
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