

I Invented a New Game

It's called- put words into Hansmann's mouth. I like the sweater look in this picture so much that I thought we should invent a game around it. I'll go first.

Hansmann: "I'm not wearing any pants."

"Tell me young man, do you enjoy movies about gladiators?"
nice one Joe, nice one indeed.
"Sorry, gotta jet - there's a 9pm curfew in Mr. Roger's Neighborhood."
"I could be wrong but Ian, I don't think you're wearing any trousers."
"Hey kids! Hurry up! The new issue of West Virginia Train and Bottle Collector is here!!"
"Phew! Who stepped on a duck?"
"Excuse me a minute. I need to step into the next room and create a game that makes fun of Joe and Ian."
So if you had to guess who on this blog has a mother-in-law visiting....
"I'm a nice boy and everyone better stop making fun of me. Or my friend Kim is gonna KICK YOUR ASS."
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"It's alpaca, cashmere and hair from my dogs. I wove it myself."
"Does this memorandum make my butt look big?"
"Up in the hollers, metrosexual, vintage eyeglasses are making a big comeback."
"The girls used to call me Frenchy. You wanna know why? It's all written right here on this piece of paper, my friend, right here on this piece of paper."
I can feel the love!

And that wasn't meant as a caption, just a comment on the commentary. I would have posted earlier, but the tears of laughter kept me from typing properly.

Is it me, or did Joe finish a bottle of Jolt cola about 11:15 pm. Six comments in 15 minutes. Wow. I guess that's why he's the blogmaster.
"Hansmann if you can't find a way to qualify Paris Hilton for admission, I'm gonna paint your sweater brown."
OK no pants but his Spanks and Man-Bra make him feel oh so sexy.
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