

The Bonny Situation

I love when writers of kids shows sneak in references kids will never get until they're 40. The legacy of the old Warner Brothers cartoons. Miranda and I were watching Kim Possible tonight and this particular episode is chock full of really funny stuff. The best gag though, is a secondary story involving a "Heather-esque" cheerleader named Bonny. Kim's sidekick Ron keeps referring to this as "The Bonny Situation" and "The Bonny Problem". If that's not ringing a bell, you need to take a look at PULP FICTION - the "Bonny Situation" is the section with where they're trying to clean the really messy dead guy out of the car before Quentin Tarentino's character's wife Bonny gets home from the hospital. The fact that it's in a Disney cartoon makes it even funnier.

Sorry, I had to share it with someone. Back to the regularly scheduled blogging....

PF was on AMC last night. One of my favorite scenes is where they call Mr Wolf ("I fix things.") at 8 am and he's having a formal cocktail party. So weird LA.
Old references come up soo frequently in current movies or cartoons that it seems to be more of an hommage. Didn't this start on the Simpsons?
Start on the Simpsons? Nah -- Groening readily acknowledges stealing everything they do stylistically from Rocky & Bullwinkle, The Flintstones and WB cartoons.
I had a very proud moment this weekend. My daughter (who sometimes shares my love of the absurd) and I were talking about the names of the countries of the world. When asked what she thought would be a good name for a country she responded "Sheldon." A tear came to my eye while I was typing this.

(Joe- an even better answer than the one to "what's your favorite name for an African country?')- whatever happened to Miss IUP anyway? (she was cool)
Oh there was a sequiter there- Sheldon is Plankton's first name (from Sponge Bob). If you have kids, next time you watch it- imagine the actor who plays Plankton is just doing a Charlton Heston impression. It makes it all the more rewarding.
Have you ever seen the guy who does Plankton's voice? He looks like Chip.
yeah, but what ever happened to Miss IUP?
I vaguely remember hearing she married a Philadelphia lawyer but god knows where I got that from. Maybe from Barb and Ed?

my word verification is hefag.

heh, heh, heh.
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