

Why were HS plays being reviewed?

"Kim Contrucci handled the difficult role of Maria with a sophistication above that of a high school actress."
But she later takes a bullet for another actor: "...the urge to gallop returned at the most inappropriate moments."
"Ted Hurd...provided much of the comedy element...and helped rescue the show from several weak moments."
"Nell Hoffman...stood out clearly among the seven children."
"This same dynamic strength filled the small but dominating form fof Nazi Storm trooper Tim Weiner." (No small parts, blah,blah,blah...or a screamed bad accent always gets noticed.)
"...an enormous amount of praise is deserved by the technical crew..." (See Joe, the techies get credit, mostly for the brilliant special FX of the edelweiss covered alpine boulder/slide projector thingie that Kim had to sing to.)

An interesting review of a show I wa a part of, but have very little memory of. Did anyone note the reviewer?

As for the question of why HS plays were reviewed....I suspect it was big news in a small town. It was also a college town, so the paper tried to offer a rounded view of events. Since the reviewer was also a high school teacher, it was pretty easy to have a story come in without assigning it to a regular scribe. Also, reviews help put people in the seats. Any publicity is better than no publicity.
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