

A Tribute to Queen Kim Contrucci Andersen Cooper III-

I am so grateful to Kim for having created/ enabled/constructed / developed Tabishmania. She did a tremendous amount of cajoling, flattering and insisting in order to get this thing done. What a great job she did leading this for Dave and for all of us.

I remain in awe of her for her beauty, presence and talent. It's because of this (like 30 years ago) I sometimes forget to express to her directly how much I admire her and her effortsand how much affection I have for her. .

Join me in expressing your appreciation to her with a song lyric that expresses your feelings. I'll start with the Queen song "Dragon Attack" Please feel free to add your own.

"She don't take no prisoners
Gonna give me the business
Got a dragon on my back
It's a dragon attack
Get down
I said so
Hey hey
All right "


What Ian said. Kim rocks the world, doesn't she?
I have never attempted this thing called "blogging" before, so please bear with me. And, please don't expect perfection in terms of grammar and punctuation...."it ain't gonna happen for younz!" First of all, what a night!! It was so comforting to watch all the camaraderie and laughter fill the room in the only way we Sendracians can, especially after so so many years. It was as if we didn't miss a beat. Thank you to all who made this such a wonderfully memorable evening. Secondly, with all the thanks deservedly being extended to Dave, Janine, Nell, Carol, Ian, and Liza,,(I hope I didn't forget anyone. If I did I cetainly apologize) there is another person who deserves high praise from all of us for her endless devotion and dedication for making certain that we each had a night to remember. Starting with an afternoon lunch with a few high school classmates/Sendracians/and most importantly, friends, in New York City, where the idea of a possible get together originated; the careful planning and scripting of the evening's festivities, pouring her heart and soul into each specific detail and making certain that the evening included all of us; carefully and secretly coordinating the hors d'ouevres, entertainment, and arrival times with Irene Tabish, and finally, ending with a flawless evening that we each will remember for the rest of our lives. Much thanks needs to be extended to our very own Kim Contrucci Andersen. Her tiredless efforts ensured that each one of us got the evening for which we had hoped. So, with that being said.....From the bottom of my heart, Kim, thank you very very much for everything! Love to you....
P.S. Ian, your tribute to Kim is excellent!! You rock!!
Kim, you may consider yourself an ordinary person to whom extraordinary things have happened, but we know you are an extraordinary person. We love you and we thank you.
I didn't know Ian knew any lyrics to Queen songs....
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