

Summer Nights in Indiana

Since the Blogger King appears to be taking a nap, I thought I would briefly share something: summer nights. I saw the first firefly this evening, and as with every summer, I thought of Indiana. For some reason, from early childhood through early adulthood, summer nights in Indiana were compelling, joyful, and full of adventure. My big regret last week-end (besides not having enough time to speak with enough of you) was not being able to drive around, maybe try to find Pleasant Valley Playhouse, scare ourselves in a cemetery (I don't know WHEN that got to be a passtime, but it sure was - talk about bored teen-agers!) Anyway....summertime. Loved it. Miss it with you guys.

I'm still here. With Nell and Joe and you in our little blog echo chamber. Tending the fires at the Tablog altar.

I actually miss the W Pa winters too sometimes. Though mostly in theory.
Kim, what did we do in the cemetery? I remember you and me and Sherry...who else was there?

Tim I repeat the question, when were you in my living room?
I think we just went to different cemeteries - sometimes even in the little towns outside of Indiana - and wandered around until something scared us sh%^&*. And, something always did. We'd scream and laugh and it was a blast. Ted Hurd was a big one for doing this, too, and Tim made mention of it recently. I'm not sure who else. If Tim was there, perhaps Eric? Because, you know, he scared so easily.
I was there. It was really a goofy teen thing. As I remember, we went for the sole purpose of scaring ourselves. Other teens went cow-tipping, we cemetery hopped.
We always get points for being unique.
Tim, Consider this your official invitation. Come visit us anytime in January or February for a remembrance of Winter. Actually, you and I can trade places. I'll visit Meredith, you stay with Don. He has a super-powered snow blower he'd love to share. And the kitchen fireplace isn't a luxury, it's a necessity.
Amazing....it's an easy two hour drive north to Indiana from Morgantown and snow bloweres aren't even thought of here. We just let the stuff melt in a day.

Unless 18 inches of snow falls overnight. Then it takes more than a day to melt...

Never did the cemetary thing. Fireflies do bring back memories. I see them all the time here, especially on those nice, muggy, humid nights. Fireflies remind me of Fourth of July sleepovers at my grandparent's old home in Pittsburgh.
a summer weekend wasn't a weekend if I didn't stop by the S&D bookstore- remember he was only open during the evening.

The owner's son Fred Duer designed sets and costumes for the Old Globe in San Diego and used to work for Carol Burnett.
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