

Watch your Yiddish


Such a mensch you are for making the website-- but the plural of "goy" is "goyim" NOT "goys."


ps-- blogging means just writing stuff to write, yes?

Goys is funnier though. And my neighbor, Mendel (who is the guitar player for what might possibly be the world's only Orthodox Jewish Metal Band) says "goys" is acceptable slang. But your point is taken.
You have GOT to be the only Jewish/Asian/Italian in the world, right?
Good grief, I didn't know about these comment options-- I actually am not sure where I am in the whole site now--

anywho, I am only Yiddish by osmosis (my grad mentor tossed around the words like putz, yutz, schmooze...) Italian by marriage, Asian by offical government designation (a few years ago I was Pacific Islander). If you want I can talk Bronx, like my mom-in-law. My peeps are getting me to talk like I'm from the hood, too.

So, how does your friend survive when he and the band can't do Friday and Sat gigs?

Thanks for making this blog!

ps-- goys is funnier, yes.
They rock the Chosen People on Saturdays after sunset and Sundays - I haven't heard them yet 'cause I'm afraid: 1)that they won't be as good as something this cool should be and 2)that I'll get my ass kicked by some gang of young orthodox thugs in black.

Pacific Islander? I must have missed that phase of govt pigeonholing.
Whatever. But Joe, I'm looking at that photo of the shirtless stage crew and wondering if you and the lead singer of Reo Speedwagon were separated at birth.
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