

New Content on the Web Pages

New images on the pages - some Dave pics on a new page, some new stuff for 1978 and 1979 and pages for the years after 1980 in case we get some content. From the private collections for Mr. Gallanar, Ms. Hoffman-Coleman and Ms. Sibolboro-Mezzacappa.

Are you sure that's Thurber? I don't think Ian "You got your invisible wall right here buddy" Gallanar was in Thurber Carnival. And that Pacific Islander babe looks like Liza, who, while an overachiever, was at the Junior High with me in 1976. Liza? I-man?
That photo is definitely a Mime Club photo circa '78. I'm in the picture and I wasn't in Thurber. I was, however, lucky enough to work on set construction where I witnessed firsthand the (in)famous paint the set brown rant.
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