

Our next reggressive activity?

As someone who has played barely an hour of computer games in my life and who is inherently intimidated by Skype, I'm emboldened to wonder if the next generation of the Tabishland blog is to be found on some SecondLife real estate...

The perfect combination of technology for the yet-to-grow-up Tull/Trek/YouTube/HS theatre misfits who are still here as we approach a 300th entry. Tech-head Joe, your thoughts, since you'll be the one to lead us there.

I apologize for how erudite-yuppie this sounds, but I actually tracked this down b/c of a podcast of The Economist that I subscribe which mentioned it. The fascinating thing is the economy/microeconomy aspect of it, where virtual and real money cross over. Apparently, it's a (real) 60 million $ phenomenon now. Reminds me of the whole business of paying Chinese kids in computer sweatshops who win virtual gold playing computer games 14 hrs a day in exchange for real $ from westerners who are too busy to work their way thru the game's levels.

Anybody up for buying an island called Tabishland where we can put on plays(*) and then hang out at the PizzaHut after rehearsals. Maybe we can call the playhouse "Pleasant Valley".

Good to hear from you Ron. (*) How would you feel about directing the Marat/Sade using cicadas as the opening production?
Gosh, and I thought my husband was nuts spending money on his fantasy baseball league.
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