

...meanwhile, back in Pixburgh...

So I worked a college fair in the Palumbo Center on the Duquesne University campus yesterday (9/17). Nell brought her daughter and a friend to town to review the wide range of possibilities featured at the many tables of this college fair. This photo is the best I have of this mini-reunion. From left to right, that would be my wife Cheryl Torsney, me in a remarkably non-Steve Martin pose, Nell, and Nell's daughter Emily.

The younger folks were a bit overwhelmed with all the college info available. They also seemed to enjoy talking to Cheryl about their futures. Nell and I tried to stay aside and let the kids find their own stuff. Of course, it was also crazy-busy. I think they stood beyond the crowd for nearly ten minutes as Cheryl and I talked to many students and parents about WVU. It was great making contact again and discussing a few 25-year-old memories.

And now back to your irregularly scheduled YouTube programing.

All those motivated, high achieving women. Whose the suit?
Thank you Cheryl and Eric for spending your time with us and giving us all the extra tid-bits of important info that only the parents who are also friends are privileged to receive.

We had a wonderful time. I couldn't help but smile the whole day. I think I've found a new career in visiting old high school friends.
Does anybody else ever put in a comment, even if it's kid of lame, just b/c the word verification is short and easy that time?
No Tim, we don't.
Eric Hansmann, Chick Magnet.
(Just thought you might like to see those words together on the blog, E-Mann. And this was a very difficult word verification. I failed on the first try.)
Hey Tim....where do you see a suit in this image? I don't have my jacket on.

And many thanks to Jeff for the 'chick magnet' comment. My wife loves that kinda stuff...
It's the 'tude, man. And the Crackberry in your pocket.
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