

Mealy, oh Mealy

I had one minute before moving fatigue set in...

The first panel is truly inspired, Ginger.
Add in a jetski, and I'll put the OR on standby.
Move Madness has set in
Very artisitic. !!! Mealy, where are you? You're a STAR again!
Nope guess again...
This may be the point when we actually get Eric Jenkins on the blog. C'mon Eric set the record straight! We quadruple (Tim, Kim Nell and Bin) dare you!
Oh, forget him. He's not listening. I don't remember the show either, except I think it was senior year. What was it, Nell?
Oh boy, you're stretching my memory here. It was definitely senior year. I'm thinking later in the year but I could be wrong. My best guess is My Fair Lady because of the dancing. When did we find out about Geoff's ballet thing? I have the "Poison Gas Play" prop from YCTIWY with lots of silly stuff written in it, but nothing about ballet and I know we didn't let that topic alone. Geoff, did your "few minor abrasions" come from a tour jete gone wrong?
I remember Bone and Rob McFarland got creamed by a curtain bar in MFL. Nowadays, parents probably would sue for that.
I remember that! Didn't they call your Dad out of the audience Tim?
'Geoff, did your "few minor abrasions" come from a tour jete gone wrong?'

Yes that was it, and that's what was so remarkable. Both of Geoff's worlds in one small mishap.

I think it was MFL, too.
I remember the big "is there a doctor in the house" biz around the curtain fall, with Jane and some other do-gooder 10th graders rushing to get my father. High drama, "stat this" and "stat that". Lots of breathless speculation about whether Bone and Rob would go. Tabish white as a sheet, thinking the School Board would hang him out to dry, no doubt. Stedje with an ice pack under his top hat. Young girls crying wih joy as he struggled thru the pain Show must go on kind of stuff. Creating memories to blog about 30 years later.
Now that you mention it, I think I remember it, too.
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