

Tabishland, starring Kim

Ginger, I just noticed in the comic you created that you feature Kim, her guitar and The Rock. So I'm also including the SOM review (remember you can point and click on it to blow it up) in which Kim took a bullet for you, to help inspire your next series of strips. Which I'm hoping will be built around The Rock...

Episode 8.
Episode 7. I held this one back, debating over the questionable taste of the violence. But it stars Kim.
Episode 9 rounds out the series. Now I'm off to impart wisdumb and influence the minds of the next generation. Scary when I put it that way, isn't it?
Dude, check this out: Mr Pino has this totally wigged out life going down on the net. Crazier s**t than the Paris Hilton porn video, man.
I know those weren't my students. They all call me "Joe" or "F**Kin' Pino".
But his friends call him "Noodles".
I love you guys. I truly do.
PINOOOM, thank you! My dogs are worried about my hysterics. I don't have time to do one now but just you wait, Tim and I will be together on Sunday.
Me like Episode 8. Hee hee.
My favorite too.
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