

Post #99: An East Coast Response to the Mid-West Corn Report

(Sung to the tune of "Kansas City" from Oklahoma, especially for you, Jeff)

Everything's hot and wet in Indiana,
It's rained and rained and now it's humid too,
The corn has growed, the berries ripe, the daisies all are white,
We're playin' ball and takin' hikes and bar-b-queing beef,
It's just about as great as you recall,
It's just about as great as you recall...

Sunrise, Sunset
That's good, you bet.
Thanks Nell...for that song!
One lyric following another
How can this goofy blog go wrong?

Sorry for the change of shows: Ginger's wrenched me into Fiddler world. Meanwhile, I know T-Dogg is already sampling my stuff for his grooves.
Hey Nell (or J-9)--and I'm truly not trying to be snide or sarcastic here-- but what's it like to be in Indiana. I honestly miss some parts of living there. The cooler summer nights for one thing.
Tim, I truly wish you guys could be here on some of these evenings. We like to sit out on the patio listening to some fun music and watch the stars and have a small, controlled fire in the fire pit. Sean roasts hotdogs and marshmallows. Sometimes we go swimming. It is heavenly.
Yeah, exacalackaly perfectly, everything Nell said...
Except change the patio for a deck, insert twangy cry-your-soul-out country music for Nell's fun music, shuffle in wish on the stars and the Northern Lights and an occasional comet or two fer Nell's starwatching, but definitely, there is no small controlled fire in Lazor household fire pit. (Stanley is addicted to lighter fluid.)
Stanley eats many,many hotdogs that Janine roasts, and he'll only touch a marshmeller if there's chocolate involved. And, huh, yeah, sometimes we go skinnydipping, in our pond...it is smelly...but heavenly...
I choose words like "small" and "controlled" very carefully when I refer to any fires we have because my dear husband and my darling son share the middle name of "Pyro".
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