

A little blog maintenance

To respond to Liza's comments on one of the posts:

1. Yes, you can remove your own comments - just click the little trash can next to them. They aren't completely erased until I delete them, but they disappear from the blog.

Posts on the main page can only be deleted by me - so if you slip up let me know and I'll remove it ( or actually, if you just correct it and repost it , I'll go in and take out the first incorrect one. )

2. The identity of willie is unknown, as he/she is not a registered blogger on this site (in which case I would know because I would have been the one to invite them here). Remember, anyone anywhere can post comments on the site (Roseann.... we're waiting.....)

So honestly Joe, do you find this blog-master thing fun, rewarding or simply a PITA?

Thanks for doing it. I especially have to say this, since I dumped it on you.

Talk about creepy, an anagram for my word verification is............."fgiwdqw".........
I don't mind doing it. It gives me an excuse to check it a couple of time a day and not feel too guilty .

Read the subtitle of the blog, Tim: of course it's not fun....
Kim and I will have a mousepad made at Kinkos with Tabish's head on it for you to show our appreciation. In fact, maybe you could set up a merchandise part of the blog with a PayPal option and we can sell Tabish coffee mugs, etc, there?

And where's the TabTalk idea for WDAD going? If you can set it up for podcasting, I'll even recommend you to do The Mix: you get to play with all those dials and can even make an intro segment with ECHO effects!

As for me, I'm nervously waiting for the NC spot on the map to get bigger. I'll either blame it on Dr Scott or say that I have to monitor the site frequently for cyber stalkers looking for the Bean-o girl.
It'sssss timeimeimeime forororor TababababaTalkalkalkalk.....
Yeah, were is Dr. Scott? This blog could stand a little of his low-key, absurdist humor.

Here's an idea - how about if we set up yet ANOTHER blog for Scott to do running commentary on this blog. Ian, back me up on this: isn't that a perfect job for Scott?
Yeah, scott's way funnier than us and he doesn't feel a need to show off about it.

We can make our own Tabishland stuff at cafepress.com. I've created a store:


I'll start posting products
Ian, you must be psychic - was thinking of doing the same thing with cafe press (but I've never done it before). I was going to suggest to use it as a fundraising for Anne K-M's theatre building. You know, charge like a few bucks over cost and send her a check - since she uses the same catch phrases (no i in team, no small actors...theatre isn't fun...) (possibly as do many other theatre folk) there would be a wider market than SENDRACs.

But I don't know if there are any other relevant fundraising needs...
I was kidding about the merchandise, but I still might by a brown tea cozy or lapdog sweater or potholder with "Energy" or "Concentrate" on it, if you offered them. You might also think about a branded logo like the Rolling Stones lips...
Tim, I know what you mean about looking at the blog map. I've been going through the same thing with New Jersey. Fortunately, Indiana and Pittsburgh seem to be combined, so I think they'll always be bigger than us.
Where is the blog map??
The main page, on the left, go down a little.
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