


I like this photo. A nice TABleau, if you will. And without any Lean-ins. Eric has that gravitas for which he was justly famous, Janine's motherly concern looks real, Gene and JuliAnne look like they're straight out of "To Kill a Mockingbird", GD looks very period with his saloonkeeper armband. And the pump ACTUALLY WORKS. Pretty good for a HS. But is that Ian drawing focus from Jennie and Kim by looking at Boz?

Wasn't that the point of the scene, that we were all so amazed by Boz's coolness? One might suggest that "Helen" was stealing focus by trying to speak-up. I mean, come on folks- all of us can speak, but how many of could exude cool at age 17?- aside from The Fonz, I mean.
Boz Scaggs went to IAHS?!?!?!
Ginger, have you let Boz onto this little secret blog world of ours?

Joe, notice the warm lacunae of sepia-toned light bathing this TABleau. I stage managed this show and recieved a SO each night for the technical brillance of the production. Can you make a similar claim for that stuff you do with 8-tracks or close&plays or whatever?

Jeff, reflections/analysis on the Lido shuffle?
Some things lie beyond the musicologist's analytical grasp and remain in a pure state of untouchable beauty, and, well, here's one of them, yet I can't help noting the melismatic effusion that draws our ear to the ingenious mix of internal and end rhymes on the long "o" sound in the song's memorable refrain:

Lido, whoa-oh-oh-oh

He's for the money, he's for the show

Lido's waitin' for the go

And may I add that a singer well versed in the period's performance practice conventions might also do well to pronounce "for" as "fo'"--a faux (if you'll forgive the pun) dialect device we've heard recently in that instant-classic rap "Pimp the Set Brown."
Boz has been invited...
I think Mealy's looking at ERIC. What do you make of that? Sizing him up for the upcoming vote, you think?
I don't know, what is Mealy doing with his right hand? Look at the fold in the fabric; I think he could be goosing Boz.

Boz, only you can clear this up.
If I WAS being goosed, I don't remember it.
Good grief - good thing I didn't persue acting. I look ridiculous.
But you were still COOL.
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